"Cos'è che in noi mente, uccide, ruba?" Georg Büchner, Woyzeck

giovedì 13 gennaio 2011

la sorella maggiore

e le sue chicche.

da piccola ero innamorata di questa canzone e di questa copertina, (e del cantante biondo) ed ero testardemente convinta che parlasse di bermuda, perchè in inglese ero già un portento!, invece apprendo che si tratta di una fricativa dentale sonora (th in "the"), e io la scambiavo con una plosiva dentale (sempre sonora però)!!!!

insomma, non dice "Alle Bermuda" ma "I'll let the moon"... non proprio la stessa cosa, comunque sempre località esotiche......

I'll survive you, I will survive you
Well, it's too late, I know, to change the way we go
From this day on I want to stay on
Now that I've started learning
And the tides started turning
Well, it's here I want to stay
I'll let the moon announce my arrival
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival
Where do we go from here, where do we go from here
I'm alive here, I can survive dear
Though the weather might change
From the wind to the rain
Well, my heart remains the same
I'll let the moon announce my arrival
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival
Where do we go from here, where do we go from here
Looked out on a sea of trouble
And I tried to stall for awhile
It's so hard to answer every question
And it's hard to protect your heart anymore
I'll let the moon announce my arrival (I am alive)
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival (but I wonder)
Where do we go from here
I'll let the moon announce my arrival (I am alive)
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival (but I wonder)
Where do we go from here
I'll let the moon announce my arrival (I am alive)
To every eye that cares to see
Just working on the art of survival (but I wonder)
Where do we go from here ...

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